Friday, July 1, 2011

Beginning of the Cycle

The real nature of the human life is to be in bliss state and attain these seven stages of the bliss. These stages of the bliss are like a plane of higher existence the nature which remains hidden from us due to the cover of the Maya or the ignorance; the simple way to elaborate this is to say the moment we say we are this body we limit ourselves to the circle of the Maya, where sensory organs or the Indriyas govern our existence and the attachments related to the body give us a conception of the world, the experiences of the life are based on the experiences of the body and the attachment to the body consciousness; where we lose the real Supreme truth; just like an old treasure box hidden in the attic covered by the dust remain silent waiting for its owner to return from the world and find it. The Supreme Consciousness is like an ocean which resides in us and gives us the energy called Shakti and the union of this Shakti with the Universal Or Supreme Consciousness¨Shiva¨ is called the beginning of the Self Realization or the True I realization.

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