Monday, July 18, 2011

SHIVA is source SHIVA is silence SHIVA is all around

I am not bound by the anatomy of the body, nor by the processes that it has, I am neither the one who eats the food, nor the one who who burns it, i am the divine equation of the Siddha and Yoginis, I am the every expanding process of the evolution towards the divinity, I am the ever lasting Shiva in me, beyond the normal sensory world, and the perceptions of the senses, i am the one beyond the power of the intellect, i am the one who is not even the elements which compose this motral body of the five tattavas, i am the one beyond all of this, i am the ocean whicch is vast and deep, never eneding never beginning, i am the Moksha, I am the SHIVA

Shivoham Shivoham

I am not mind, wisdom, pride, and heart. Neither I am ear and tongue nor I am nose and eyes. Neither I am sky or earth nor I am power or wind. I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.

I am not the state of being alive or the five type of Vayu. Neither I am the seven elements constituting the body (Dhatu) nor I am the five sheaths which invest the soul. Neither I am voice, hand, or leg nor I am the portion at the bottom of waist (anus or Linga). I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||2||

I am not the state of envy and passion or the emotions of greed and attachment. Neither I am intoxication nor I am the emotion of jealousy. And I am not even the four Purushartha — Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||3||

I am not Punya (good deed), Paap (Sin), Saukhya (friendship), or Dukha (Grief). Neither I am chants (Mantra) or Shrine (Teertha) nor I am the Veda or the sacrifice and oblation. Also, I am not the food, or the one that should be eaten, or the eater. I am eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||4||

Neither I am the fear of death nor I am the difference between races. Neither I am [any relation like] father, mother, nor I am born. Also, I am not a relative, a friend, a teacher (Guru), or a student (Shisya). I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||5||

I am free from changes, and lack all the qualities and form. I envelope all forms from all sides and am beyond the sense-organs. I am always in the state of equality — there is no liberation (Mukti) or captivity (Bandha). I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||6||

Cidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

For My Master

Where do i find words that i match the power of your grace,
where do i find the words which speak of you,
for you my Master are the Shiva, the glorious energy of the life,
for you my master are the key to the universes, to the existence of the path,
to my master who holds his presence in the worlds here and beyond,
to his existence, i bow in front of him;
to my master who showed me the path,
to my master who gave me the true enlightenment,
to Shiva, my master, to Shiva, my manifestation.
To Shiva, my existence; to Shiva my true nature,
To Shiva, my master, to Shiva my master.

The Limitless Sea

How better could I explain,
the vastness that I feel inside,
it beautiful and expanding like the blue limitless sea.
The swim in the infinite waves of the existence with the life above and below,
I am no longer bounded by the chains so shallow,
I walk on the sand as lumniscent as light,
into the silent but deep sea inside me.
Riding the waves that take you inside its womb, I let go,
of the body, of the mind, of the ego, into the limitless sea of my eternal existence.

The moon is full, it is serpent hissing

The rise of the energy in the gross body is like a process of the fountain of the energy, the fountain rises from the ground and pushes itself towards the limitless sky, it is ever expanding universe. The light that is brings with it is like the illumination of the full moon and the unwinding is like of the hissing of the snake, only natural, only real nature of the human beings. The path towards the rising of the true nature of the man, towards the perfect balance between the Shiva and Shakti, from the earthly dimension to the ethreal dimension, the power of tantras, yantras, mantras and consciousness. The opening of the Lotus in the heart, the beaming light of the divine infinite love and Bliss, Like my master says ¨OM Tatsat.... So Be It¨

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Power of Meditation: Tapasya

When in deep meditation, the heart centre illuminates like a light as white as snow, luminious and brusts into the light that we are, the energy centres move up, i feel tranquility, it is a moment when you feel like Omni present, inside you, outside you, the glory of the rise of the Kundalini and the the power of Anahata makes you taste the exilir of the true Bliss nature, Thanks to the Teachers, to my masters that I am graced with such an experience.
In the moment the rise of chakras is like a dance of serpernt, it shines over your head like a billion fold light, and i am immersed in this light, being this light that is me, the creative pulsation of the nature, the divine vibration, the Universal Spanda; the rise of Supreme I in me. The path towards enlightenment, the path of Shiva and Shakti.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Where is my Moksha?

I walk past the forest and smell the fagrant flowers, the trees smiling and the birds talking, the energy of the nature, the energy of the earth, the energy of the sun and the elements all flowing through, I am just standing to witness the flow; the joy of the creation, the joy of the bliss, and then i sit and watch it flow through me, watch my breathing become divine, watch my gazing become one, i just become witness to the power of Shakti, to the presence of the Shiva, to the enlightenment of the both when they join in the ParamShiva, like the rise of the force from the stream, the force of the divinity that is like a spring of clear water, through the passage of this gross body into the space, of the Shiva, into the Supreme Sadashiva, the union of the Siddhas and the Yoginis, the union of the Shiva with Shakti, the union of the man with God, the becoming of the GOD, the true nature, of the ocean, the true nature of real I beyond the curtains of the Maya, the true nature of I; i soaked in all in the milliseconds of the universe, into the dimension beyond the body, i soaked it all in me to attain the union of the Shiva and Shakti, the way to Moksha.


I am Shiva, the creator of the worlds,
I reside in the glory of my true nature,
I am the truth, the only truth and one truth,
and the truth beyond any truth.
I am Shiva, waiting for the Shakti, to rise to shine,
to meet me in the crown, to glow with me like a thousans beaming sun,
I am Shiva, the nature of the true being,
I am Shiva the resident of the supreme.
I am Shiva, I flow with the breathe, I am Shiva the creator, the bliss.
I am Shiva, the force of the SiddhaYogins,
I am Shiva, the balance of the energies,
I am Shiva, shining, mediating in my supreme self,
I am Shiva, SHIVA in me.

Into the Shakti

When I sat today under the shade of the mighty tree, i was in between the spaces, in between the dimensions, spinning the words, the mantras with my vibrations, the thousands of voices of the universes echoed it alongwith me, the sense of the bing prevailed in the sense of being supreme being. the dance of the creation was revolvong around the spreading spheres of the energy into the body, into the beyond body existence of the being, the sphere of the divine existence, like a flowing stream of the crystal clear water chaging forms and still flowing, from the same source. The rise of the Shakti from the bottom of the chakra dancing to meet the Shiva inside, it echoed like a divine dance of love, the dance of Shiva and Shakti, the energy of the Shakti immersed into the supreme vastness of the Shiva, the beyond experience of the existence, of the limited perception, like a dance of breathe, the union of the sight with the scene; music with the musician, I with This, This with I, I am Everything, everywhere, everyone, I am the SHIVA dancing with the Shakti.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Beginning of the Cycle

The real nature of the human life is to be in bliss state and attain these seven stages of the bliss. These stages of the bliss are like a plane of higher existence the nature which remains hidden from us due to the cover of the Maya or the ignorance; the simple way to elaborate this is to say the moment we say we are this body we limit ourselves to the circle of the Maya, where sensory organs or the Indriyas govern our existence and the attachments related to the body give us a conception of the world, the experiences of the life are based on the experiences of the body and the attachment to the body consciousness; where we lose the real Supreme truth; just like an old treasure box hidden in the attic covered by the dust remain silent waiting for its owner to return from the world and find it. The Supreme Consciousness is like an ocean which resides in us and gives us the energy called Shakti and the union of this Shakti with the Universal Or Supreme Consciousness¨Shiva¨ is called the beginning of the Self Realization or the True I realization.